Nezar Abo Ghanem
"Hi, I’m Nezar Abo Ghanem and I graduated from Park Lane International School in Prague. For the last 14 years of my formal education, I have studied and lived in four different cities, which are Sana'a, Amman, Putrajaya, and Prague, and four different schools. However, my time in Park Lane is what mattered the most as it was a transitional period. I was lucky to study in Park Lane as the school provided us with all that's necessary to thrive in the IB. It was sad that we like our seniors. We didn't get the chance to sit for the exams due to the global pandemic. I believe that our year group was even more affected by the pandemic than our seniors because most of our time was over distance learning. Yet, our IB teachers in Park Lane provided the same quality of teaching that we usually receive in an in-school lesson. I'm very grateful to my teachers for all the efforts and the skills they had to learn to make zoom lessons less taxing and sometimes even more interesting than in-school lessons. My next destination will be the city and the University of Maastricht."